Peggy Schmitt
Project Advisor of Trauma Healing Thailand
Peggy was born and raised in Malaysia. Her first career was a Registered Nurse specializing in Children’s Nursing with her last official role as a nurse being in a refugee camp for “Vietnamese Boat People” in the eighties. She has been a missionary in Thailand since 1989 in various roles and is an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She met her husband, Terry Schmitt, in Bangkok. Following their wedding, together they worked in Laos in the Ophthalmology Center in Vientiane for 3 years. For 11 years she worked in an Anti-Human Trafficking Foundation as a counselor and activities leader. Peggy provided Holistic After Care for residents who have been traumatized in various forms, including sexual exploitation, abuse and labor trafficking. In searching for tools for group work, she has been involved with Trauma Healing Institute since 2009. She is a Master Trainer-in-training in both the Children’s Trauma Healing and Adult’s Classic Trauma Healing programs. In October 2018, Peggy came to Cornerstone Counseling Foundation to lead Trauma Healing Thailand. She currently lives in Chiang Mai with Terry. Her passion is to help people rid themselves of unwanted baggage holistically to better walk in the destiny that Jesus Christ has written for them (Psalm 139:16).
1976–1979 State Registered Nurse, Princess Alexandra School of Nursing (The London Hospital), London, England
1980–1981 Registered Sick Children’s Nurse, Great Ormond St. Hospital for Sick Children, London, England
1988 Ministry Development, Faith Bible College, Tauranga, New Zealand
1990 Grade 6 Certificate in Thai Language.
2006-2007 DPTA (Graduate studies in Diploma Program of Aftercare) for children who have been abused/exploited sexually Love 146 Calamba, Philippines (HQ New Haven CT)
2009-2012 MA in Holistic Child Development Malaysian Baptist Theological Seminary, Malaysia
General Trainings
1986-1987 Children’s Ministry Training Program in FGA, KL, Malaysia
2004, Theophostic Prayer Ministry.
2011, 2-week member care seminar with Narramore Christian Foundation
2016, Understanding Anxiety, Depression and CBT – University of Reading (5 week online course)
2017 February 27-28: Sexual Challenges in a Cross-Cultural Context (Trainer: Dr Mitch Whitman)
Trauma Related Trainings
2009 Trauma Healing Institute, Children’s Curriculum (2 days) with a Children’s Camp (5-day camp) by Margaret Hill
2015 Trauma Healing Institute, Adult Classic Version, Advance Equipping in March
2013 Hands that Heal Training – 2 weeks Course on how to work against Human Trafficking.
Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance – Monash University (6-week online course)
2017 18-20 May: Working Effectively with PTSD (Trainer: Dr. Louis Downs)
2018 28-30 November. Stabilizing Techniques (EMDR Institute Bangkok)